No Guilt, No Regrets: How to Eat Healthy and Still Have Fun on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a great time to get together with loved ones and enjoy delicious food! With these 6 tips, you can still enjoy thanksgiving but without the tummy ache and weight gain from overeating.
Be that person to bring a creative fun vegetable dish.
That way you are sure you will have filling fiber to enjoy. Check out these exciting side dish recipes: Red and White Caprese Skewers, Shredded Brussel Sprout Caesar Salad, Green Bean and Feta Salad, and Tamarind Glazed Carrots.
Stock up on vegetables in advance!
Fill half of your plate with vibrant, nutrient-dense vegetables.
Not only do they provide you with essential vitamins and minerals, but they also help you feel full faster. Vegetables are low in calories, high in fiber and, if seasoned right, are full of flavor.
Additionally, they can help you balance the tastier dishes on the table.
Keep your meals balanced by choosing lean proteins like turkey or fish.
These options are low in fat and high in protein, helping you stay full longer and maintain a healthy balance. Fish is another great option that can provide you with omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for your heart, brain, and skin.
Check what is served prior to picking up your plate.
View what is available, before you fill your plate, take a moment to scan the Thanksgiving dishes and see what options there are. This can help you plan ahead and make mindful choices. Once you have found your favorite dishes, Choose one or two items that you really love and can’t miss out on. These could be special dishes that are only available during the festive season, or family recipes that have sentimental value. Practice the 3 bite rule with those items: The 3 bite rule is a technique that helps you savor and enjoy your food without overeating or missing out on your favorite dishes.
Does Turkey Make You Sleepy?
Fact vs Fiction
It’s a common misconception that turkey makes people sleepy because of its tryptophan content. Tryptophan is an amino acid that is involved in the production of serotonin and melatonin, two brain chemicals that regulate mood and sleep. However, turkey does not have a particularly high amount of tryptophan compared to other protein sources, and tryptophan alone cannot cross the blood brain barrier to influence mood. The feelings of sleepiness after a Thanksgiving meal is more likely attributed to the size of the meal which causes your body to switch to a mode of rest and digestion, leaving you sleepy.
Practice portion control and listen to your body's hunger signals.
This Thanksgiving let's enjoy the flavors while remaining conscious of our health.
With these simple strategies, you can throw a delicious, nutritious holiday party without ruining your diet.
For more tips and strategies on staying healthy and enjoying delicious food during any time of the year, join the TNS Weight Loss Program and never look back.