Frequently Asked Questions


  • Absolutely, as a registered dietitian, I am qualified to provide services in the prevention of chronic diseases as well as nutritional management of them. The advice given is to complement that provided by your physician in order to optimize your health.

    The content and service offered in the 6-Week Program is intended for people in relative good health or medical conditions including pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, weight management, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout or breastfeeding.

    All other medical conditions are best suited for the one-on-one service.

  • Dietitians are highly qualified professionals in science, human development and the health of populations. They are the most trusted source of nutritional information you can find. A dietitian teaches and supports you to make positive changes to improve your health, and has the proper knowledge to manipulate nutrients and foods for you to achieve your best.

    The “RD” credential may only be used by practitioners who are authorized by their provincial regulatory body, established under the Health Professions Act. Practitioners with the RD credential have fulfilled specific requirements, having earned a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and food science, completed an accredited year internship, passed national examination and maintain their skills annually be meeting the continuing education requirements for re-certification.

  • I am a resident of Alberta and member of the College of Dietitians of Alberta. I am regulated to provide services to any Alberta resident. Cross-border virtual practice varies depending on the other province and their requirements. Alberta based dietitian's are currently allowed to provide virtual dietetic services to clients living in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

  • Most benefit providers cover fees for nutrition consultations with registered dietitians. The cost of appointments are the responsibility of the client upfront. A detailed receipt will be provided which can then be submitted to insurance providers for reimbursement. Registered dietitian consultations are also a tax deductible medical expense.

The Nutrition Studio Weight Loss Program

  • Absolutely. I had you in mind when I wrote this program. The meal plan and eating guide can be followed from anywhere. I have included a section in the manual and a supporting mini video with ‘on the go’ tips for road trips, airports, all-inclusive resorts and hotels to assist you while you are travelling. These are all strategies I do personally while away.

    I would recommend starting the program when you are roughly around home and in relative routine for the first 2-weeks of the plan. It is the most intense phase and clients seem to do best when they can focus and prioritize their nutrition during these initial couple weeks.

  • I have worked with many clients who have followed this plan with huge success living and working in camp. I have included an instructional video in the Resources Section for ease on how to navigate this. With a tiny bit of pre-planning, camp food can seamlessly incorporate into this plan instantly.

  • I have worked with many shift workers over the years. It can be a struggle. However, with some education, a bit of science and planning, it can be accomplished! The strategies I use with my clients are laid out in a short video in the Resource Section, just for you.

  • This program is an online community driven program. You will have direct access to personalized dietitian support via email or private text chats within the apps used. Andrea offers weekly group video calls where you can participate with others to ask questions as needed. A replay link will always be provided. You will also be part of an exclusive, members-only live forum; where you can chat to other people going through the weeks with you, so you feel supported. This forum is optional and members names are made alias for privacy protection.

    Individual one-on-one, face-to-face virtual appointments are available through the Exclusive One-on-One Program.

  • Absolutely not. You will progress to The Sustain Phase of this program for the next 4 months (or longer, as needed). During this phase, we turn new habits into a new lifestyle driving results. You can keep access to your program manual (PDF) for life. You can access all the remaining content as long as you are in the monthly Sustain Phase. My goal is that you can keep referring back to it at all times and do it as often as you need.

  • Yes, most definetly. Many of my clients utilize these companies. I have a short video included in the program with tips on how to directly incorporate these meals into your plan.

  • Yes, the meals are still suitable. I provide instruction on healthy re-creations to your family’s favorite meals. As a mom of 3 busy children, I do not believe in short order cooking. We are cooking once, with minor subsitutions. I do place high value on the importance of family meal time. My suggestion is to encourage family members to join you and show them how delicious healthy food can be. The meal plans are personalized in EatLove to your entire families taste preferences. They are simple enough that you won’t find it hard to incorporate into your family meal time.

Exclusive One-On-One Program

  • The primary difference is that the One-on-One Program provides access to individualized video or phone calls with Andrea for all appointments. Email support and submissions are still utilized, if needed. However, this service provides the most personalized time, coaching and support from your dietitian. You still have access to all the same resources at The Online Program but the added support of personal one-on-one appointments with your dietitian. It is ideal for people who enjoy an exclusive experience with the extra support needed to kickstart their health journey. It is also ideal for those with unique needs or goals such as sport nutrition, pregnancy, kidney disease, actively undergoing cancer treatments.


  • Correct, this is a virtual nutrition counselling service. All programs and appointments are completed virtually. Various simple but secure HIPPA compliant technology platforms are used depending on your program.

    The Exclusive One-on-One Program is completed via a combination of video, telephone and email chats.

    The Nutrition Studio Online Weight Loss Program is completed via email and app-based chats with optional group video sessions.