Best Grain For Weight Loss
While there are many grains to choose from for fat loss, quinoa is a standout choice due to its complete amino acid profile, high fiber/protein content, and rich micronutrient profile which can aid in a healthy fat loss diet.
For example, quinoa is an excellent source of magnesium, a trace metal that is key in improving sleep quality. Roughly 15-20% of the population does not get enough magnesium. Because sleep is integral to feeling great and losing fat, quinoa is a great addition in order to aid fat loss.
Quinoa also boasts a much higher fiber and protein content than other grains. Quinoa’s high protein and high fiber content help keep hunger at bay, making it easier to stick to a lower calorie diet which is necessary for fat loss.
Quinoa is versatile and can be incorporated into numerous dishes throughout the day. It can be roasted and added as a delicious topping for yogurt and salads. Furthermore, quinoa can replace rice in many recipes, making it a clear choice and easy addition to anyone’s diet.