Breakfast Food That Leads to Weight Gain
Granola may seem like a healthy choice, but it can actually make you gain fat. Granola is high in sugar, calories, and refined carbs, which can spike your blood sugar and insulin levels. Granola is thought of as a health food, however, most granola on supermarket shelves contains as much added sugar as a chocolate bar.
Most granola is made with honey, maple syrup, corn or cane syrup or white sugar. Then it often is flavored with chocolate chunks, sweetened dried fruit leaving it as a sugar bomb. Therefore, it has a high glycemic index meaning your blood sugar will spike and then crash. The crash leaves you hungry, craving more sugar resulting in the perpetual eating cycle causing fat gain over time.
In addition, granola does not have a lot of fiber in it, allowing for it to be processed quickly by your body, making you hungrier earlier than if you consumed a breakfast option with more protein and fiber. If you eat more food throughout the day due to a suboptimal breakfast choice, fat gain is certain.
Despite the common thought that granola is a great addition to yogurt or topped on a smoothie bowl, there are many other all-star breakfast foods that are better for your waistline.